Author Archives: Sonya Kanelstrand

10 Houseplants That Clean Indoor Air

September 26th, 2011 | by Sonya Kanelstrand

Until recently, nobody suspected there could be anything like indoor air pollution. With the development of technology and the better insulation of buildings in the past decades to save heating costs and to conserve energy, the air indoors gradually grew more stagnant allowing for common household pollutants to accumulate and in turn affect our health.

The Benefits of Eating Walnuts

September 19th, 2011 | by Sonya Kanelstrand

Recent researches on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of walnuts have been continually proving in the past years that walnuts are beneficial for our metabolism, heart, diabetes and can even prevent cancer.

Save the Planet with a Click

September 12th, 2011 | by Sonya Kanelstrand

With his project, Like it for Good, Jan van Voorst transforms your activity in social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus into green deeds. So, every time you like, tweet or + a post on the Like it for Good page, you are sending a free donation to charities around the world and are joining them in saving the planet.

Keeping the World’s Seeds Safe

August 29th, 2011 | by Sonya Kanelstrand

Apart from the devastating role globalization has in diminishing our seeds, the world's agricultural diversity is at risk every time a disaster strikes, and with a continuous loss of seed varieties we get more and more vulnerable. The idea behind The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is to offer backup storage for the world's crop diversity

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