Lynn Fang, Author at Green Living Ideas

About Lynn Fang

Lynn Fang is a compost consultant and educator, eco-conscious writer, and intuitive artist. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Author Archives: Lynn Fang

Home Remedies for Allergies Straight from Your Kitchen

May 7th, 2015 | by Lynn Fang

Spring heralds warmer weather and explosions of color as flowers blossom and fruits ripen, but for many people the joys of spring also mean runny noses, itchy eyes, and incessant sneezing. Before you reach for the over-the-counter allergy drugs, try these home remedies for allergies!

3 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

May 4th, 2015 | by Lynn Fang

Spring and summer colds are no fun, and you don't have to turn immediately to over-the-counter-drugs to get better. Try these home remedies for cold and flu to feel better naturally

How Toxic is Teflon?

June 13th, 2012 | by Lynn Fang

Teflon is great for keeping burnt food off your pots and pans while saving you time and energy spent on scrubbing or seasoning. But is this convenience truly a convenient? Or is it an additional health hazard in your home? Let's take a closer look at what Teflon is all about. How toxic is Teflon

Radioactive Tuna Found Off the California Coast

May 31st, 2012 | by Lynn Fang

Traveling across the vast Pacific Ocean, Bluefin tuna were found contaminated with radiation originating from the Fukushima nuclear. The devastating accident occurred March 10, 2011. The contaminated tuna highlight the inconvenient truth of broad environmental impacts presenting and yet to reveal themselves. This evidence proves a catastrophic event in one part of the world indeed affects the rest of the planet. Learn more about the radioactive tuna found off the coast of California

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