Author Archives: Chris Keenan

Natural Ways to Relieve Sinus Pressure

June 27th, 2012 | by Chris Keenan

There’s no doubt about it: sinus pressure and pain related to sinus pressure can run from annoying to excruciating. Unfortunately, as well as colds and the flu, allergens and pollution may subject us to the agony of sinus pressure at one time or another. Fortunately there are still a few, reliable and natural at-home measures you can take, meaning banging your head against your garage door is not the only way to get sinus pressure relief. We've discussed nasal irrigation for sinus relief and how to safely use neti pots for nasal rinsing, yet there are still more remedies. Here are natural ways to relieve sinus pressure

At the Intersection of Renewable Energy and Historic Architecture, A Wreck of Old Forms and New Ideas

June 22nd, 2012 | by Chris Keenan

The Soulard of St. Louis is one of the city's oldest settled areas, featuring homes and business establishments built more than 150 years ago during the heyday of American westward expansion. The neighborhood is so historic, in fact, that it's covered by both state and federal historic building legislation from end to end. That's fine in most cases, and it has created a neighborhood with a distinctly "Americana" feel that most residents enjoy and want to preserve

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

June 4th, 2012 | by Chris Keenan

For centuries people have been using vinegar for it’s health benefits. Vinegar is a diverse fluid which can be both used around the house and ingested to help boost your health. Although there are several different types of vinegar available, including plain ol’ white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, white wine vinegar, red wine vinegar, and balsamic vinegar

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