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Published on February 2nd, 2018 | by Sponsored Content


Keeping Businesses Bright – 5 Tips To Cut Down a Growing Energy Bill

Depending on the size of your business, you can lower your electricity bill by thousands every month, simply by making a few small changes. By increasing the energy efficiency of your office, you can make considerable short and long term energy savings for your business.

As energy prices reach an all time high, it’s time to consider switching to solar power and promote an energy conscious office. Follow these 5 simple tips to cut down your growing energy bill and do your bit for the environment.


1. Convert to Solar Power

As utility prices continue to rise, the costs of buying and installing solar power continues to lower. Solar panel prices have dropped more than 80 percent since 2011. Solar power has therefore become a sustainable and cost-effective energy alternative for any business owner, with flexible payment options, government incentives and loans making solar power a possibility for any business.

As a provider of your own electricity from a renewable source, you can reduce your businesses dependence on fossil fuels and energy providers. This in turn protects your business from price increases and shortages from electricity companies.

How much will I save?

Energy savings from solar can be substantial. A market study conducted in the US showed that that the average business could reduce overall energy costs by 75 percent by going solar. While the installation costs are steep, the real benefit of going solar starts after the business has paid of the solar panel installation. With a lifetime of 25 to 35 years, businesses can enjoy plenty of years with an essentially free electricity supply.

2. Purchase Energy Efficient Electronics

By purchasing equipment that has energy star certifications, you can cut energy costs significantly. Energy-efficient models save you money on your bills and reduce your energy use, without compromising on any of the product features you need for your business to thrive. Look out for products with a 5-Star Energy Rating, or switch your current electronics to power saving settings.

How much will I save?

Energy efficient electronics have settings which can reduce the power use by up to 70 per cent. Old heaters and air conditions are the major culprits of sucking up unnecessary energy. Replacing old heaters and AC units with Energy Star models can save you hundreds on your energy bills. It all adds up in the long term!

3. Use Energy Tracking Tools

Energy tracking tools can be used to to help you measure, monitor and manage energy usage within your business. They provide valuable data to aid you in tracking your improvements, and recognising where changes need to be made to lower your energy bill.
Most energy providers have energy tracking tools you can use from your mobile and smartphone device to ensure you stay on top of your usage.

How much will I save?

Without a good understanding on where your energy is going and exactly how it’s being used, it’s near impossible to monitor it effectively. Energy tracking tools can help expose both simple and complex practices that are draining your businesses energy supply. When implementing programs aimed at making employee’s energy conscious, the data is invaluable in providing a real-time analysis of how well the programs are working.

4. Adjust your lighting

Reviewing and cracking down on energy wasting practices must begin with how you use lighting in your buildings. Installing motion detectors in hallways and meeting spaces; and automatic dimming controllers that measure and adjust to the light levels you actually need are simple ways to save you big on your next energy bill.
Energy Star LED light bulbs use at least 75% less energy than their standard counterparts and can last 50 times longer than the average incandescent. The reduction of your electricity bill and the extended service life of a key office product, leads to two forms of long-term savings, all from the one quick fix!

How much will I save?

Lighting accounts for almost 20% of the electricity used in the average office, and is therefore a significant energy consumer in the modern office.

5. Create a ‘Green Team’

Creating a ‘Green Team’ in your office is all about encouraging staff to look for new ways to save energy and money, and be responsible for implementing new procedures. The Green Team can be responsible for switching off lights, unused computers and making each employee accountable for their wasteful practices.

How much will I save?

Creating a ‘Green Team’ is the first step in creating an environmentally conscious office. The benefits of implementing environmentally friendly practices are immeasurable. Research has shown that offices that are committed to social and environmental awareness, produce happier and more productive employees. These positive changes in workplace culture and practices not only save you on your energy bill, but also promotes motivated employees who will propel your business into financial success.

By implementing these simple tips in your workplace, you’ll be able to see immediate changes in your energy bill the next month. When it comes to reducing energy consumption, every bit counts. It’s time to promote awareness about energy saving tactics and make your office an environmentally conscious workspace for the future.

Author Bio: Laura Costello is a recent graduate of a Bachelor of Law/International Relations at Latrobe University. She is passionate about the law, the power of social media, and the ability to translate her knowledge of both common and complex topics to readers across a variety of mediums, in a way that is easy to understand.

This post is sponsored by AGL Solar

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