Share YOUR Sustainability Story!
That’s right, we want to hear from you!
Important Media (the parent company of Green Living Ideas and 20+ other sites!) is offering you a chance to share your story with our readership to help us move the global sustainability conversation forward.
We’re looking for the good stuff here: stories that will truly benefit our readers, inspire others start a green business, or help someone move their career or education towards sustainability. Whether you’re working in a cleantech startup or harvesting organic veggies, we want to know what inspired you to travel this path, and why you’ve chosen the green life.
If approved, we will turn your submission into a story on a relevant Important Media website. We do promise to read every submission, but we do not guarantee publication. And let’s be clear: we’re looking for engaging and unique stories about people working in sustainability– this is not the place to post press releases, announcements, or product features. If that is what you’re looking for, please visit our Sponsored Post form.
Let people know about your passion and inspirations, and give us insight into your sustainability career.
To share your story, click over to Important Media and fill out the simple form. You’ll have a chance to add images and links. Our admin team will contact you with questions and follow up as needed.
Here are some examples of previous Sustainability Stories from our readers:
Maury Argento of Filsano
Lea Elliot of Naturehood Ecological Consulting
Zoheb Davar of Cleantech Rising
Click here to begin your submission!
typewriter image from BigStock