Natural Ways To Feel Good This Holiday Season
Stress. It’s probably one of the last things you’ll likely associate with the holiday season, but for so many people it’s the one and only emotion that they’ll be experiencing throughout the coming weeks. What I’m referring to here is seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and if you or someone you know is experiencing this, I’m here to tell you that all is not lost. There are lots of things you can do to alleviate your stress at this time of year (or any time of year for that matter) and it doesn’t have to be a regular heavy dosage of “medication”. With that in mind here are some ways you can alleviate your holiday SAD(ness), so that you can get back to enjoying time with your friends and family.
1. Play with or look at pictures of baby animals. I’m not even kidding. Just check out this study which goes into detail about how human interaction with animals can alter and improve your mood. Don’t have a pet? No sweat. Just head on down to your local humane society, they’ll have lots of cats and dogs you can hold or play with (and something tells me that they’ll be stoked to see you).
2. Get outside and get some exercise. Now, you don’t have to get out there and start running marathons, but just getting outside and going for something as simple as a 2o minute walk can make a big difference. Not convinced? Check out this article on the correlation between exercise and alleviating depression. Want to spice up your exercise? Try putting on a goofy costume or, check out a dog from the humane society and take it for a walk. Why not, right?
3. Look good, feel good – hit up your local thrift store. I’m sure some of you reading this might skeptical of the “science” behind “retail therapy”, but according to a study conducted by the Kellogg School of Management there might actually be something to it. Now, it would be silly to assume that just because you bought a flattering new outfit that you would start feeling like a million bucks, but there is something to be said of the social ramifications of your new wardrobe. People are social beings, and when we’re given compliments by our peers, it tends to make us feel better ourselves and distract us from any perceived shortcomings we may have. Plus, by thrift shopping you can turn yesterday’s fashion faux-pas into tomorrows fabulous new you.
4. Hit up your local health food store. The idea has been tossed around that “you are what you eat”, and for all practical purposes it’s true. And taking it one step further you are what you consume. Just check out this study from the University of Eastern Finland which finds that a healthy diet will actually help to alleviate and prevent the onset of depression. Not sure what to eat? Whether that’s an organic apple, or an all natural product such as *Naturaful, what you put into and onto your body matters. Check out this article from Eat Drink Better for some vegan foods that can help to fight depression.
While the thing we’ve just listed won’t be a permanent cure for depression, they should help to alleviate your symptoms and get you back on track to being your healthy, happy self.
*This article was generously sponsored by Janet Oswel.