How To Spot A Dying Mobile Battery
As mobile phones get more complicated, problems with battery life become more prevalent. There are a number of pages online that speak of ways to improve battery life though how do you know when it needs replacing? Nowadays, phones are no longer limited to simple functions such as call and text. Phones have become a very handy companion whenever you’re bored, or when you have time to kill and it is important to take care of your battery so it lasts for the life of the phone. But as even the most careful user cannot prevent life’s wear and tear on your mobile’s battery, you should learn how to identify a dying battery. Here are some of the signs that your phone’s battery needs replacing:
Excessive Heat
This may be the most obvious sign of a dying battery. Rechargeable batteries inevitably generate heat as they charge. However, if you notice that your gadget is excessively warm even on standby, it might be time to replace your battery.
Bloating or Swelling
Sometimes when a battery depletes, the internal cells rupture, causing a bulge to appear. To determine if your unit has been bloated, place it flat on a smooth, level surface. If it wobbles or doesn’t sit perfectly flat, a replacement battery is in order. If you neglect your battery and continue using it once bloated, your battery could explode so it’s best to have it looked at immediately by a professional.
Reduced Battery Life
The average lifespan of a mobile battery differs from one to two years, which equates to approximately 300 to 500 charges. Past the second year mark, your phone battery’s cycle may start to deteriorate. You may find yourself charging more frequently than you used to. Reduced battery life is a sign that you need to consider a replacement, dramatically decreased battery capacity is also a sign that you need a replacement immediately.
Phone shuts off automatically
When a unit’s capacity has shrunk, it will still register as full even if there’s very little power in it. This will cause the mobile to shut off unceremoniously. Although there are instances where the actual mobile phone is at fault, you can confirm it by using another battery in your device as a tester.
Visible corrosion or physical changes
Visible corrosion on or around your devices battery should should be taken as a serious call for a replacement battery, no matter how small the affected area is. Visible corrosion can be a sign of an internal issue that can cause permanent damage to your device if not looked at immediately.
Knowing where and how to get a proper replacement for your mobile battery is as important as taking care of your phone. With online shopping now at the touch of your fingertips, there are a number of reliable online retailers that can assist you with your battery needs. Look for options on online stores like A1 Battery Pro to familiarize yourself with the many options available on the market.
This post was generously supported by A1 Battery Pro.