Farmscape: The Importance of Urban Farming
How do you start a revolution? Simply look around you are see what issues need to be solved, and figure out how you can be a part of the solution. Does this seem simplistic? Absolutely. But is it doable? Of course!
Entrepreneurs of all ages are creating jobs everyday to address pressing challenges of today, like excess waste, dependance of fossil fuels and lack of meaningful employment by turning to self-sufficiency and exploring the ways in which we can help our own communities thrive. For Jesse Dubois, the decision to make change happened after returning home from college and trying to figure out the rest of his life. His vision: create urban gardens that will supply food for the city; gathering dinner from outside one’s window; mobile farmers help us grow our own at home and sell vegetables throughout the neighborhoods. To have vegetable deliver be as ubiquitous as mail carriers. And so, Farmscape was born. Working with some local friends and is helping to envision a new Los Angeles (California).
The goal of Farmscape is to re-farm the city of LA. They seek to tear out yards and replace them with fertile, nutritious vegetables. In the TEDx talk with DuBois, he notes his inspiration as the country of Cuba, which began a massive change in food infrastructure following the collapse of the USSR and their oil imports. In the same way that Cuba re-farmed the nation, so too can American cities. Check out the inspiring TEDx video below to learn more about Farmscape and the future of food in LA.
What do you think is the future of food growing? How can your city begin working towards a better food experience?