Edible City: The Movie
There are so many things wrong with our food system: massive food recalls, false advertising, miracle weight-loss pills and more. And everyday we learn more about how our corporate food structure is damaging the planet and harming our bodies in the process. But we can step away from all of that– everyday we have a chance for our own food revolution.
In neighborhoods, cities and communities across the world, people are coming together to build a more just, more sustainable food system. Activists are fighting against corporate takeover of our food supply, artisans are returning to oldways food production like fermenting, brewing and canning, and farmers are sprouting fields to inspire people young and old to eat more vegetables. One film that captures this excitement is Edible City: The Movie. Though the company is currently seeking distribution, you can watch the film below on YouTube. The film documents a broad spectrum of activists, organizations and inspired citizens and shows how everyone can get involved in transforming our food system.
Edible City introduces a diverse cast of extraordinary and eccentric characters who are challenging the paradigm of our broken food system. The movie digs deep into their unique perspectives and transformative work – from edible education to grassroots activism to building local economies — finding hopeful solutions to monumental problems. Check out their website to to learn more about the film and the movement.
“People are already seeing that the system [as is] isn’t working. But there are other models out there to make our food system more socially just, more economically viable, more environmentally sound, and more important, more resilient.”