Simple Ways to Improve your Health Today!
I love to encourage people to green their lifestyle, and as a chef and educator I also enjoy helping people improve their diet! Lucky for us, many of the things that are good for our BODIES are also good for our PLANET! I recently wrote a post for Green Upgrader about five easy ways to build a cleaner, greener diet. Here’s the tips to help you save money, be greener and improve your health! Be sure to click through for an explanation of each!
1. Skip the whites! White foods are linked to lifestyle diseases of the Standard American Diet. Think white sugar, white flour, white rice and more!
2. Ditch the soda! There is no such thing as a healthy soda, for your body or our planet. Most are full of chemicals and do terrible things to our brain chemistry, nevermind all that plastic in the landfils! Seriously!
3. Buy everything UNSWEETENED. Sugar is hiding everywhere, and it is NOT.GOOD.FOR.US.
4. Buy in bulk. The bulk section is my favorite place in my health food store! Skip the processed foods and get all your goodies in their most natural form!
5. Skip the Starbucks! Sorry, but until there is recycling at Starbucks and they offer organic milk, to-go coffee is junk for your body, the planet AND your bank account!
Read more about five easy ways to build a cleaner, greener diet on Green Upgrader.