
Published on May 1st, 2013 | by Guest Contributor


Host a Homemade Cocktail Party

If you are looking for a clever and homesteady theme for warm weather celebrations, what about hosting your own homemade cocktail party? This idea comes to us from Small Measure, one of my favorite DIY and homesteading blogs. Ashley English and her family hosted a party featuring infused vodkas with a variety of natural mixers, and as she notes in her original post, each drink came out tasting fantastic with unique flavor combinations for everyone. She says in the post that this cocktail party was so fun and delicious that she wants us to steal the idea…. but I like to think of it as borrowing!

The following are Ashley’s suggestions for how to host an awesome homemade cocktail party. And if you want to get really buzzed, check out this list for fantastic healthy homemade cocktails.

Cocktail mixer sticks; photo from Small Measure

Cocktail mixer sticks; photo from Small Measure

  1. A week or more before the party infuse your vodkas. Here’s a good primer for how to make your own infused liquors, and here are some more links to make homemade homemade limoncello or infuse vodka with fresh blueberries. Give the liquors time to infuse properly; taste them periodically (try to save some for the party!)
  2. For the party: Gather a bunch of fresh herbs. Trim, wash and set aside in small bowls.
  3. Gather your mixers; Ashley used coconut, pineapple and pomegranate juices.
  4. Get your shakers and glasses ready. Make your ingredient sticks (see photos below), then add to a jar and let guests choose one of each color. Get shakin’! Enjoy!
cocktail sticks greenIMG_0383

label your herbs

cocktail sticks red

label your liquors

cocktail sticks yellow

label your mixers

All photos from Small Measure.

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