Sustainable Forms of Communication
Despite using the same technology from the beginning (sound waves and cables), communication in the 21st century can be carried out in many different forms. Apart from talking to each other face to face, there are also phones, messaging electronically and online video chats. These modern technologies were initially created to make our lives easier by enabling us to converse over long distances or ‘on the go’. Nowadays, people are trying to figure out the right balance of staying in touch as people are able to contact you during all times of the day. Such convenient services do require a lot of energy, for example the transmission of waves and the maintenance of the machines responsible.
As communication has generally become increasingly prominent in people’s professional and private lives, one should not hesitate in investing in energy saving devices in order to be more efficient with your overall power usage.
Convenience and sustainability
Regardless of saving energy, no one wants to lose the convenience of communicating in any way. That means maintaining a clear connection and the space to roam freely. For that reason, energy saving cordless phones like these are a good investment as they guarantee a good connection and still save energy when switched off. The company Gigaset works to develop further existing technologies while focusing on environmental aspects. Here is a list of achievements they made:
The concept behind the Gigaset phones is its ECO DECT. Its target is to reduce the power necessary for the transmission of signals as well as the power needed for maintaining the modes while the phone is not in use.
Due to this technology, every household can save up to 60 percent of the energy normally used for a telephone device without this feature.
Moreover, one can reduce the power consumption for phones in the unused phone to almost nothing when the ECO mode is chosen. This will save extra energy, since in a normal household, the phone is usually in use for only two hours a day.
Like all modern devices, companies and designers are thinking wisely when it comes to the energy use, as that is also on the minds of their consumers. Along with the exchange of light bulbs becoming a popular way to reduce energy, the focus on buying sustainable energy devices should be promoted, too. As in this day and age, communication is just as important as other daily necessities.
Image from Shutterstock. This post was supported by Gigaset.