Book Review and Giveaway!
If you are interested in food, farming, and learning more about the wide range of flavors available to you in the US, head over to Vibrant Wellness Journal to read the review and WIN a copy of this great book yourself! It’s a great book and we’d love to share!
Here’s a snippet from the review: Usually used to describe wine, the French term terroir refers to the individual characteristics of a food or drink based on it’s specific location- that side of the mountain, this specific valley, that small bay. He explains that while terroir has always been an important and acknowledged– even legal– concept for winemaking in Europe, America is just now coming into her own regarding the diversity and complexity of our natural flavors.
Green Living Ideas and Vibrant Wellness Journal are super thankful to Bloomsbury Publishing, who has generously offered THREE copies of American Terroir to our lucky readers.