For the Love of Carrots & the Elephant Journal
Well, we have made it to the end of this very cold and currently windy January! And we are celebrating the upcoming National Carrot Day! Who knew? Apparently, February 3 is designated (by who, we’re not really sure) National Carrot Day. We had fun talking about carrots and carats and hope you will all get in the spirit and make all your favorite carrot dishes and pig out on our favorite orange veggie. And if you eat lots of veggies maybe it will make it okay to celebrate the next holiday on February 5 — World Nutella Day!
We had a full studio and a full schedule this week, featuring an awesome interview with GD Meg’s digital publishing hero, Waylon Lewis, founder and publisher of Ever wonder why the Elephant Journal is called the Elephant Journal? I would encourage you to listen to the podcast, but there’s more written information about it all below . . .
Listen to the podcast of this fun and informative GD show!
This week we were lucky enough to have Green Diva Lisa in the studio. Right now GD Lisa is living up in Maine and currently working as a field producer on a documentary. Being a Green Diva means caring about social issues and GD Lisa is working with the Global Reports for the Caribbean on creating greater awareness about the Jamaican Lottery Scam. Through this scam, thousands of elderly are being duped into believing they won millions in the lottery, while these skilled scoundrels get vital information, such as social security numbers and bank account numbers from them. Sadly, the average scam victim looses $70,000! That’s just the average! Remember to talk with your seniors and make sure they don’t give their information out to anyone.
Green Diva correspondent: Nomi Lyonns, Salt Spring Island, BC Canada
This week’s Green Diva correspondent report came from Nomi Lyonns in Salt Spring Island in British Columbia, Canada. GD Nomi is a well-known cabaret singer and performed in ‘Cabaret Confessions of an Eco-Nazi’ in Palm Spings, CA. She currently teaches Kundalini yoga at Paradise Found where she promotes natural healing methods to balance out a full and healthy lifestyle. We didn’t get a lot of time with GD Nomi, but she did mention something she’s getting involved in in Salt Spring — Transition Towns. A great way to get your community involved in getting more sustainable.
Green Dude Report: Nino Marchetti
Unfortunately last week we had all sorts of technical problems and our Green Dude Nino was not able to share with you all his report on eco-cars. Luckily he was able to call-in again this week and talk about eco-tax deductions from energy-efficient technology. Green Dude Nino is the founder and CEO of
Listen to this week’s GDude Segment!
5 Energy Efficient Tax Credits You Should Know About
1. Home Improvements
Claim up to $500 in tax credits for energy-efficiency improvements in your primary home.
2. New Home Builders’ Tax Credit
Builders of energy-efficient homes can get up to $2,000 if they build homes that consume 50% less heating and cooling energy.
3. Alternative Fuel Vehicles
This credit covers up to 30% of the costs for refueling equipment for vehicles that run on hydrogen, natural gas, electricity, and other alternative fuels. Credits for light and heavy-duty hybrid vehicles have also been extended to December 31, 2013.
4. Mass Transit Benefits
The American Tax Payer relief Act extends mass transit fringe benefits. The maximum monthly transportation benefits have increased to $245 this year. The incentives apply to qualified employer-provided benefits such as transit passes, parking and vanpool benefits.
5. Energy-Efficient Appliances
Federal tax relief for industrial and appliance manufacturers that produce qualified energy-efficient products.
For more information check out the information originally posted on
Green Diva Mizar’s DIY: Upcycling T-Shirts
This weeks DIY from Green Diva Mizar was all up upcycling your old t-shirts. We all have those t-shirts we just don’t wear any more and GD Mizar has a few ideas on what you can do with them to create something new. A while ago we did a podcast for Sleeping Naked is Green where we talked about the importance of buying organic cotton underwear. Check out her post that shares all the ways you can use your old t-shirts.
Listen to this week’s Green Diva Mizar’s DIY: Making Old T-Shirts New segment!
Feature Interview: Waylon Lewis, Founder of Elephant Journal
This week the Green Divas welcomed Waylon Lewis, the founder and publisher of, an online magazine that focuses on mindful, sustainable and healthy living. Waylon took the printed magazine and made it greener by transitioning it into a highly successful digital publication. Waylon managed to get a few wise words in on the philosophy behind the elephant.
His business model enables the elephant to create a community of energetic and passionate staff while offering a subscription model that is low-cost and low-stress. Learn more about the elephant and how to become a member!
Listen to the podcast of this fun and informative GD show!