Now THIS is good business! - Green Living Ideas


Published on January 21st, 2013 | by Guest Contributor


Now THIS is good business!

This great statement popped up on our Facebook feed a few days ago, and I was stoked to share it here on Green Living Ideas. Though I don’t really eat much dairy, I have to support Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream for their strong stance against GMOs. Though they are not fully GMO-free at this time, their awareness of the topic is inspiring, and should serve as a model for other food companies. There are GMO-free (and organic and fair-trade) options available everywhere, and there is almost no excuse for using chemical, GMO, or crap ingredients. Kudos to B&J for keeping it real! 

Which company do YOU wish would make a strong statement against GMOs?

screen shot from Ben & Jerry’s.com

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