more last minute green gift ideas!
One of the best ways to show your loved ones you care during the holiday season is to buy them shit. Literally.
Through Oxfam America’s Unwrapped program you can give a gift of manure to a farmer in the developing world, helping them replenish the soil and grow healthy organic crops. You can, according to Oxfam’s site, “show your loved ones that you really ‘give a $%@#’ for our planet.”
If you prefer something fluffier (and don’t we all!) you can also donate a goat, a sheep, a dozen chicks, an alpaca, a cow, or a whole herd to help sustain and nourish farmers and their families across the world. These gifts are ‘symbolic’ and you don’t actually get a goat (of course)- but money from the program gives Oxfam the opportunity to help those living in poverty across the world.
Check out their link here for more about how it works. Other giftable charity items include school uniforms, cooking stoves, human rights training, or assistance for starting a farmer’s market. These gifts are great to share with your friends and family and share your love for the globe this holiday season… without having to go to the mall and buy all that $%@#!
All photos from Oxfam America.