How to Remove Skunk Spray the Green Way
Summer’s around the corner bringing us into the great outdoors for camp outs and hikes. Each step we take into the woods increases our chances of running into one of Mother Nature’s creatures. It’s always a good idea to make as much noise as possible when hiking to warn creatures of your approach. Skunks are one of those critters to avoid. With the power to tax your olfactory system, a skunk’s spray can bring a walk in the wild to a screaming halt.
When your walk in the wild turns into a stroll through smellyville, here is how to remove skunk spray the green way.
How to Get Eco Clean When Skunks Spray (via EcoLocalizer)
With gorgeous weather comes outdoor recreation, usually with your favorite four-legged friend. In many parts of the country, this time of year brings out the best and sometimes smelliest in nature. Just as humans enjoy beautiful morning and early-evening hikes, so does your friendly neighborhood skunk…