7 Excellent Reasons to Quit Drinking Bottled Water
We had an extra Green Diva Meg in the house today! Our special guest Green Diva Meghan Van Dyk, the editor of the Daily Record’s Grassroots section was in the studio to help kick off our new weekly segment called, Gettin Local with the Green Divas: Wherever You Are! This segment is sponsored by the Daily Record’s Grassroots section and will focus on highlighting interesting stories and events within our community that help to illustrate and celebrate our community’s sustainability progress and share ideas with other communities around the country . . . or the world for that matter!
The Sleeping Naked is Green
7 Good Reasons to Quit Drinking Bottled Water
- The U.S. is the largest consumer market for bottled water in the world, followed by Mexico, China, and Brazil.
- In 2008, U.S. bottled water sales topped 8.6 billion gallons, which represented 28.9% of the U.S. liquid beverage market.
- The average American drinks 21 gallons of bottled water per year.
- According to MSNBC, the use of water bottles increased dramatically from 3.3 billion sold in 1997 to 15 billion in 2002
- National Geographic estimates that 17 million gallons of crude oil is used on an annual basis to produce plastic bottles.
- If you fill a water bottle ¼ of the way with oil, this is about how much oil is used to manufacture that one bottle!
- This amount of oil is enough to fuel approximately a million cars for one year.It is estimated by the Container Recycling Institute and ReusableBags.com that 22 billion water bottles end up in landfills every year.
- According to Environmental Working Group’s scientific study on bottled water vs. tap water, bottled water contains distinfection byproducts, fertilizer residue and pain medication . . . ahhhhh! Seriously – read this article.
- The bottling companies have created a FALSE sense of NEED in the U.S. for bottled water by convincing us that our tap water is tainted and bottled water is the solution . . . NOT if you watch this awesome video by the Story of Stuff about the bottled water industry.
Good Reasons to Recycle Those Plastic Bottles!
- Although many plastic bottles are being recycled for good re-use as a variety of materials, National Geographic Kids states that only 1 in 6 plastic bottles makes it to the recycling bin!
- Recycling plastic bottles saves energy.
- According to recycling only one plastic bottle saves the same amount of energy as powering a 60-watt light bulb for six hours.
Good Ideas!
- Cool stuff made from RPET – RPET stands for recycled PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), which is a member of the polyester family.
- GreenSmart.Biz – my awesome computer bag.
- Get a stainless steel or glass re-usable water bottle – and use it!
- Last month, the Grand Canyon National Park Service approved a plan that eliminates the sale of bottled water! There are water stations in the park to refill water bottles, which a visitor can bring in to the park.
References for this segment include: Livestrong.com Wikipedia
Listen this Sleeping Naked is Green 5-minute segment.
Why We Should Care
Please join us in being part of the solution! Visit our Why Should We Care Campaign page and enjoy our silly short video, donate and share (and get some awesome goodies when you do)!
Meanwhile, we are busy lining up some interesting high-profile folks, who are passionate about a variety of causes that help to make this a better world, for this ongoing feature on the radio show. Look forward to hearing from Fran Drescher, Frederique and Carol Alt – all beautiful, passionate women using their power of celebrity and success for good – in the coming few weeks! More fun surprise guests for this segment soon to be announced!
You can listen to the entire show or download the podcast from here.
Please visit Green Divas website for LOTS of relevant links & resources from the show.
NOTE: Jessica Alba will be LIVE on the show on 3.31.12 along with her business partner, Christopher to talk more about why they started this company and why they call it The Honest Company . . . mark your calendar and be sure to post any questions for them on the Green Divas Facebook Page!
The Green Divas Radio Show, podcasts, audio vignettes and blog posts feature fun and low-stress ways to live a deeper shade of green, while maintaining some comfort and style. Green Diva Meg, co-host Green Diva Lisa and Green Dude Paul offer tons of easily accessible information and resources to help make the journey to a more sustainable world easier and a little more fun and entertaining. The radio show broadcasts live every Saturday morning from WMTR 1250 AM in Northern, NJ/NY Metro area, streaming live on WMTRam.com, or catch up on the podcast.