Practically Green: Your Online Green Habits Planner
Practically Green is an online tool that helps you to make smart, practical, and sustainable decisions. It offers “expert advice, scientifically accurate information, and real-world, friend-to-friend recommendations for hundreds of things you can do.” Its mission is to provide you with tools and ideas that will help you to make “green living easier and enjoyable, and to remove some of the guilt, confusion, and cost that can arise”.
This tool is so exciting and very encouraging because, as we all have experienced, it is difficult to be green sometimes. (We hear you, Kermit!)
How can you use the tool to lead a greener life?
To some people, being eco-friendly might be construed as “trendy”. Or some might believe it’s impossible because it’s too costly or too difficult. But to understand how your daily habits might already be affecting the environment, Practically Green shows you how wonderfully green you already are, high fives you for every action you’ve committed, and recommends actionable steps to help you become greener.
Upon registering with your e-mail address and creating a password, the FREE site takes you to 400+ questions that you can answer which green actions you already have taken, giving you points, or you can plan to take in the future. If the question doesn’t apply to you, i.e. baby related questions, you can mark it as “Doesn’t Apply to Me.”
You can track your answers and change them if you complete the action, i.e. buying a fuel efficient car or insulating your attic. There are badges that you earn, based on the number of actions you take in a category, i.e.
And depending on the level of “greenness” by adding up the points, you are ‘graded’ into following levels. The beauty of the site is that you can always go back and answer the questions at your own pace.
You can recommend green actions and products to Practically Green and they will add them after an evaluation. It truly is a community and user based interactive site for making green lifestyle sustainable and quantifiable.
The site is FREE for individuals and customizable for companies and their employees for a fee.
What level of green do you think you are? Wicked Green? Superbly Green? Why don’t you take the quiz and find out!