Forget the Resolutions, Make a Green Manifesto!
Hello again, dear readers, in hopefully a greener, brighter and more positive year!
At the end of each year for as long as years have been counted, humans have been known to come up with resolutions for the next one. Following them through is easy for the first weeks of January but then comes February and the deeper we get into spring, the further away we sail from the resolutions we made in those dark and cold last hours of the previous year.
But today, in GLI’s first post for the 2012, I would like to inspire you for something greater, bigger and more impressive than the usual list of resolutions.
Make a manifesto!
Get creative and after soberly revising your resolutions, start the new year with the most relevant ones written by hand or printed out on a sheet of paper (preferably the back side of an already used one). You can let your imagination roam freely here – use color pencils, water colors, paper cuts, anything that will look good on your wall, because that is the place of a manifesto, right?
Incorporating your goals in a piece of art will keep you focused and motivated, and the bright colors will attract your eyes in all seasons, so you can rest assured that at the end of the year you will be more satisfied with your achievements than before.
As far as the manifesto’s content is concerned, I personally will go with goals that have to do with simplifying and greening my and my family’s lives. They will include:
- decluttering
- slowing down
- single-tasking
- simplifying my green living
- leading a healthy lifestyle
- enjoying the simple pleasures of life
- buying only what I need
- reusing, reducing, recycling
- green cleaning
- continue using natural alternatives to shampoo
- don’t forget the reusable shopping bags
- weaning off plastic.
I wish you success in fulfilling your goals for the new year and don’t forget that together we can move mountains. Here’s to a fresh green start of 2012!
How will your manifesto look like?
[CC Image: kanelstrand]