How To Make Low Alcohol Hand Sanitizer - Page 2 of 4 - Green Living Ideas

Eco Home Living

Published on September 6th, 2011 | by Vivian Nelson Melle


How To Make Low Alcohol Hand Sanitizer

aloe vera plant

Gel from the Aloe Vera plant

2. Ratios for Base Mixture

You will first add 3 tablespoons coconut oil, 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel and  1 tablespoon vegetable glycerin. If the oil is not liquid, simply heat for a few moments under warm water and then stir the mixture well. Now add 1/4 cup each of Witch Hazel, grain alcohol and distilled water and mix in a non-metallic bowl until well incorporated. If you plan on using a pump instead of spray, aloe serves as a thickening agent so you may add more. You now have the product base.

{CC photo courtesy of evchu.nyc on Flickr}

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About the Author

Vivian Nelson Melle is a writer and life coach helping individuals, families, and businesses thrive. She supports small businesses especially in the areas of Green Living, Health, and Wellness. She can be found at www.viviannelsonmelle.com and www.craftyvivi.com

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