News and Events

Published on May 11th, 2009 | by Derek Markham


Who is the Greenest Person on the Planet?

The digital media company 3rdWhale is hosting the Greenest Person on the Planet contest, which highlights individuals around the world that go to extraordinary lengths to green their lives and their communities. Who’s it gonna be? You? Your über-green friend?

Image: espartaPlanet Earth

Planet Earth

You can enter yourself, or nominate a friend, and the winner gets to choose a charity to be the recipient of 5% of 3rdWhale‘s profits, and wins either an iPod Touch or an iPhone!

Greenest Person on the Planet

Greenest Person on the Planet


To enter, you need to fill out a carbon footprint for yourself (using the carbon footprint calculator provided), add a 250 word statement on how you make the biggest impact on people in your community, make a statement on why you should be considered the greenest person on the planet, and pick the charity you would choose to donate 5% of 3rdWhale’s profits to.

Deadline for entries is May 22, 2009, so get your application in now!

The Greenest Person on the Planet winner for 2008 was Matthias Gelber:

“Matthias Gelber does not own a car, hardly turns on the air-conditioner in his apartment despite living smack in the centre of Kuala Lumpur, started a company that produces building materials which are not harsh on the environment, spreads the green message by giving talks to students and staff of companies, and he plants lots of trees.”


Voting starts June 1, and the winner will be announced on September 22. For more information, contact 3rdWhale at

The contest is sponsored in part by Defenders of Wildlife, National Geographic Channel Canada, and mokugift.

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About the Author

lives in southwestern New Mexico and digs bicycles, simple living, organic gardening, sustainable lifestyle design, slacklining, bouldering, and permaculture. He loves good food, with fresh roasted chiles at the top of his list of favorites. Catch up with Derek on Twitter, RebelMouse, Google+, or at his natural parenting site, Natural Papa!

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