Calling All Filmers: Time to “Chill Out” with NWF and Go Green Tube
What possible difference can you make with a video cam, 3 minutes, and some inventiveness? A world of difference, says the National Wildlife Federation!
NWF has teamed up with Go Green Tube for its 3rd annual Campus Solutions to Global Warming video contest. This gives you—planet-conscious student, faculty, or staff member—a chance to put your masterfully inventive skills to work and film the most creative 3-minute clip of what your campus is doing, or could do, to make a substantial dent in the global warming situation.
To participate, all you have to do is take your video cam, webcam, or cell phone in hand, collect 3 minutes of global warming solution footage, and upload it to Go Green Tube by November 30th. Once your video is up, your campus group is automatically eligible to win a prize of grant funding and an appearance in Chill Out: Campus Solutions to Global Warming, NWF’s nationwide multimedia broadcast in April of 2009.
If you’re more at ease with a pen or keypad, check out the rules, prizes, and judging criteria for Written Contest Entries.
What other perks for the planet are in store? Thanks to Go Green Tube and, this contest just keeps giving with a one pound carbon offset each time your video is viewed by a Go Green Tube community member.
At this point, you may be wondering how the contest is judged. It’s quite simple—judging is based on the number of votes your video collects from Go Green Tube users. Voting begins December 1, 2008 and continues through February 1, 2009.
For more details, visit NWF’s Chill Out website. Don’t forget to upload your video by November 30, 2008.