Redecorating Your Home with Green Furniture
You have decided to live green and that means considering green furniture options for your redecorating project. However, this is one time where going green uses a lot of that paper green you were trying to save. How can you make eco friendly choices in this department without ruining your budget? Unless your current furniture consists of milk crates and plastic lawn chairs, you can redecorate with green furniture without overspending. Follow these tips for green home furnishings:
- Take a careful look at your current furniture. It may be fun to get new stuff, but the greenest think you can do is to reuse what you already have. Chairs and sofas that are sturdily constructed can look very different with crisp new slipcovers made with organic cotton. Dark furniture can be painted white and shabby bookshelves take on a whole new look when you add shuttered doors.
- Buy pieces that have classic lines and avoid faddy decor trends that will make furniture look dated within a few years.