Product Review: Green Guru Travel Kit
Ever wonder what happens to tents, banners, bike tubes, wetsuits, yoga mats, and other products after their useful life is done? Well here at GreenLivingIdeas, we do. We also like to present our readers with some of the coolest sustainable products to help you green your lifestyle…but of course to do so in style! So it was with some excitement that we received an email and an offer from Green Guru to test out one of their products for review–a Green Guru Travel Kit. This product is made from upcycled fabrics from other products that have already had a life of their own.
The travel kit is perfect for toiletries, though it is ubiquitous and flexible enough to be your personal gear bag, a bike tool kit, or your 420 pouch (you know, only where it’s legal of course. Sorry Alabama and Kansas…you’ll get there some day). The main compartment is huge, about a foot long, and slightly more than 5″ x 5″ inside, which allows for quite a bit of stuff, or just some larger stuff. There are two additional zippered compartments–one a mesh covered one (you can see that in the pic above) and one with a solid side so people can’t see the stuff in there you don’t want them to see. It also has a strap they call a “haul handle”, for easy carrying.
Sustainably made
The product, like much of Green Guru’s product line, is made from upcycled fabrics, and each one is different–to accomodate the fact that they’re upcycling fabrics and never know exactly what cuts and colors they’ll have available. It’s made in the U.S., which means, at least for U.S. customers, less fuel used in shipping (it’s also ultralight, so not much embodied energy in shipping anyway).
Green Guru has an upcycling program in which they collect donations of used products (though read their website FAQs thoroughly before sending anything their way). They take bike tire tubes (no slime or puncture resistant tube varieties), used tents (no poles and only tent fabrics that are thick enough to be reused elsewhere), and a variety of other materials, and turn them into beautiful, colorful, and useful products like the travel kit.
Tools of the green traveler–a bamboo toothbrush, Jason brand toothpaste, and a Green Guru travel kit to carry them in. I’m ready to go!
Coolness factor
I’ve been using the Green Guru travel kit for several months now, and it gets a lot of comments–people are drawn by the colors, then see the tag that says Green Guru and the recycle symbol, and they’re stoked. Then they think I’m a green guru, and I tell them about Green Living Ideas. Now that’s what I call a win-win!
Check out and follow Green Guru at Facebook, Twitter, their Blog and Instagram.
Disclaimer: I was given the Green Guru Travel Kit free of charge, but the review is honest, sincere and unbiased. I love it, and am happy to promote the brand to our loyal GLI readers.