5 Uses for Marigolds
November 1st and 2nd celebrate Dia de los Muertos in many Latin American countries. Once of the popular icons, besides the colorful calavera skull heads, is the vibrant marigold. These flower petals are strewn across pathways leading from the graveyards to the homes of the those who have lost loved ones. The spirits of the dead are said to follow the golden path back home for a visit with their family and friends. Here are 5 uses for marigolds after the Dia de los Muertos festivities have ended.
1. Saffron Substitute
While marigolds and saffron do not have similar flavor, marigolds are used as a saffron substitute because of the vibrant coloring they bring to dishes. The result is likely to have resulted from saffron’s expensive price tag. When the Spaniards came to Mexico they did not have access to their beloved saffron used in such dishes as paella. Luckily, the golden marigold could bring the luxurious golden hues to rice dishes while adding an herbal flavor.
{CC photo courtesy of markellis_1964 on Flickr}
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