5 Patio-loving Veggies
Fall has settled in, but it’s not too late to enjoy a patio garden. Moderate climates may enjoy year round gardening, but even cooler locales can enjoy fresh produce from the patio or an indoor windowsill location. Patios afford shelter for plants from colder weather, frost and wind making it possible to garden through autumn and even through the winter in many places.
Here are 5 patio-loving veggies to try.
1. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a good starter plant and one which thrives on both patios that receive sunlight or indoors where light flows through a close window. You can either plant from seed or purchase a small established plant to ship off some of the growing wait time. Smaller tomatoes like cherry and pear are good choices for smaller spaces.
{CC photo courtesy of tbridge on Flickr}
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