Telecommuting Benefits for Businesses
For companies whose employees telecommute for all or some of their work duties, the rewards can far exceed a "feel good" reward of reducing the impact of the 23 billion gallons of gas that Americans use up just in commuting to and from work. The benefits can both improve the company’s image in the community and strengthen its bottom line profits.
- Higher Productivity Means Higher Profits. According to a survey by The Gartner Group, telecommuters are 40 percent more productive than their office-based counterparts. A more productive, more efficient employee who can produce more goods and services for the same—or less—cost is certainly going to help pump up that bottom line. And they likely use fewer resources as well.
- Allows Growth without Added Costs. At one time or another every successful business faces a time when they need to expand to survive but lack the capital to do so. By allowing employees to telecommute, a company can expand in its current space without building or renting additional office space or adding the cost to furnish or equip them.
- Keeps Equipment Costs Down. Sometimes telecommuting employees are willing, or may even prefer, to use their own computers or other equipment. This not only saves the company the cost of computer equipment—it means fewer computers heading to the land fill in a few years.
- Reduces Waste. Sharing work via the internet can greatly reduce paper and ink usage in the office since files are stored electronically. And employees can resist the urge to print documents unnecessarily to share with an office mate. (No more cartoons printed and posted on the office bulletin board either)!
- Keeps Employees Happy and Loyal. It is widely known that employees are happiest and most productive in work environments that provide them with some autonomy in their work schedule. Telecommuting allows employees to more easily balance work and family life, and to make time for volunteer and community activities. Such employees become goodwill ambassadors for the company and costly turnover rates are greatly reduced.
- Promotes a Positive Company Image. Companies’ contributions to healthier, sustainable communities are receiving lots of media attention these days. Awards and "kudos" are given for being good stewards of the environment and for providing positive support for local communities. People like to do business with companies whose corporate models provide assurance that money is being invested wisely and responsibly in all respects.