Eco Friendly Dining
Whether you’re on a non-stop extended vacation or you’re visiting a friend in the neighboring town, you can observe some simple rules that make dining out more eco friendly.
Let’s sample the ways we can green our "on-the-road" cuisine.
- First, try to choose restaurants that are within walking distance or accessible by public transportation—this gives you an opportunity to conserve travel-related emissions and experience the local flavor.
- Secondly, try to order foods that are indigenous to the area. Maine lobster may sound wonderful, but if it has been flown in to California from Maine, it’s transport has resulted in a lot of extra emissions. If everyone ordered local cuisine, it would make a tremendous impact on the environment.
- Last but not least, do the best you can to order foods that are prepared in a socially responsible way. Free range chicken, organic vegetables, and locally grown produce are all great choices. Mass-produced chickens are full of antibiotics and come from farms that expend a great deal of energy.
Many eco friendly restaurants and sustainable eateries are beginning to pepper the culinary scene. Check the Internet or your green periodicals for green options in the area.