A Quick Guide to Running a Greener Home
While we are all aware of how we live has an effect on the environment, many of us live in homes that still have a high carbon footprint. However, there are many things we can do to reduce our impact from day-to-day living; from changing our light bulbs to installing SMART technology, here’s a quick guide to running a greener home.
Use energy saving light bulbs
Most of us are probably aware that replacing incandescent light bulbs with energy saving light bulbs, otherwise known as LED (Light Emitting Diode), can save you money. Although they are more expensive to buy, they can last up to 10 times as long and use 75% less energy than the old model of light bulbs.
Replace old appliances with energy efficient appliances
All appliances now come with an energy rating so you can see at a glance which ones use the least electricity. For example, fan ovens are more efficient that standard ovens, and gas hobs and ovens are more efficient than electric, although induction hobs do heat up instantly. Make sure you look out for Energy Efficiency rating A++ for the most energy efficient appliances.
Ensure your house is adequately insulated
Adding extra insulation to your home can reap dividends because it can improve the energy efficiency of your home from 20 – 30%. Thermal blinds and curtains will also make a noticeable difference because they have the ability to block out the sun in the summer whilst still retain heat in the winter. Developers are even building new properties using heat retaining materials that keep the temperature inside the property at an ambient level with a high energy efficient rating.
SMART Technologies
With the ease at which we can connect to the internet, smart technologies are now being incorporated into all kinds of things; from appliances to thermostats, with some items having the technology to enable us to control them from our phone. A great proportion of new build homes are now built with this technology as standard. Smart meters for instance are now installed across most new UK developments and construction companies, such as Strata Homes, are expanding their use of modern technology to improve efficiency and reduce the overall CO2 footprint for the end user.
Other devices, such as heating systems which can be controlled from outside the home, or which learn when you like your house to be warmer or cooler and can adjust the heat accordingly, are Smart electricity switches are smart but actually very simple, and can be hooked up to all kinds of items to make them internet-enabled, from lamps to thermostats and even the humble electric kettle, and will very soon be incorporated into all new build homes.
Install water saving devices
By installing water saving devices in your home, it is possible to reduce the amount of water you consume. Small devices, such as water aerators, pump air into the water so you don’t need to run the tap on full. Circulating water pumps can be easily installed under the sink allowing you to not only have hot water whenever you need it, but to save between 3 and 5 gallons of water every time it is used. Other water saving devices, such as low-flow toilets, only use a fraction of the water contained in the cistern. Aerating showerheads are also a great device to save water by keeping the water pressure the same whilst minimising the amount of water used, can save us up to 2,500 gallons of water every year.
This post has been sponsored by Strata Homes UK