Buy Nothing Day
Typically today, the Friday after Thanksgiving, is known as Black Friday, where shoppers stampede stores with steep discounts. Instead of supporting another day of shopping, how about a day that celebrates the exact opposite – buying nothing?
Buy Nothing Day has been going on for 20 years now, according to AdBusters, one of its heaviest promoters.
It’s not an official movement of any kind, but every year more and more people partake in buying nothing on Black Friday.
What’s the point?
One day of buying nothing certainly won’t change much, but its popularity points to a growing awareness of the shortfalls of a consumer lifestyle. Do we really need to be this addicted to buying stuff?
So much that we carry significant debt to support our expensive lifestyles?
Or that people die during consumer stampedes?
Boycott Black Friday this year. Instead, extend your gratitude for the gifts that money can’t buy. If you’re out of ideas, here’s a few to kickstart your creativity:
- Get creative and make something
- Upcycle something
- Go outside for a hike or a day trip
- Play board games
- Volunteer
- Play sports
Check for Buy Nothing Day Meetups and search for other group events like hikes and workshops.
[CC Image by reubeniz via Flickr]