4 Natural Dyes from Healing Plants
Dr. Sarah Gottfried of Get Vitalized Naturally offered a great idea. She and the author of Harvesting Color, Rebecca Burgess, thought of dying organic bras with Pokeberry. Pokeberry is a natural lymph node cleanser which embedded in the bra, would lay marvelously close to the breasts. Research is showing synthetic dyes leach toxins into our bodies so, wouldn’t natural dyes offer up healing or at least do no harm? Here are four natural dyes to try during your next dye project.
1. Pokeberry
Let’s follow Dr. Gottfried’s advice and take a look at Pokeberry. The dye will produce a nice rich color ranging from bright red to more fuchsia. The plant can be considered dangerous when not ingested in the right amount for healing ailments, so it’s important to seek the advice of a medical professional when consuming in any form. For the small amount used for dyeing it should be fine. Pokeberry has long been used by Native American tribes for treating a multitude of health problems as the plant is a system cleanser focusing mostly on the lymph.
{cc photo courtesy of Bob Richmond on Flickr}
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