Campaign Aims to Change the Course of History in Four Years
“As the Chinese proverb says “If we don’t change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed”, and in humanity’s case where we are headed is clearly some type of ecological and social collapse.
So the question is “what will it take to change our direction?#8221;
A new campaign called Four Years. Go., aimed at figuring out just what it will take, as well as how to do it, needs your insight, your imagination, and your willingness to be a change agent in order for humanity to collectively change our direction.
Four Years. Go.
“The goal of Four Years. Go. is to cause a positive tipping point in unleashing humanity’s collective will, and to do it in the next four years.
The evidence for this tipping point will be that by 14 February 2014, the probable future for humanity (i.e. the most likely case scenario forecast by the majority of global futures modelers) will be one of environmental sustainability, spiritual fulfillment, social justice—an evolutionary leap forward, a new future.”
The concept behind Four Years. Go. is fairly simple: True lasting change is not going to happen from the top down. It’s up to every single one of us to bring the changes we want to see into the world. Four Years. Go. seeks to foster a self-organizing “open-space of collaboration and creativity” among all the stakeholders in the future of the Earth – which includes all of us as individuals, our companies, NGOs, and our communities.
Four Years. Go. came into being through the work of four key players: Pachamama Alliance (a nonprofit committed to building a just and sustainable global society), P:5Y: Peace in Five Years (a non-profit committed to world peace), the 2020 Fund (a non-profit and philanthropic platform), and Wieden + Kennedy (largest independent advertising agency network in the world and creators of Nike’s “Just Do It” and Lance Armstrong’s “Live Strong” campaigns).
The first step for us as individuals is to commit – commit to the journey toward a just and peaceful world. Head over to Four Years. Go. and join with your fellow earthlings in mapping your journey to a new bright future.
According to the organization, in just a short time – three short weeks – Four Years. Go. has had 1300 people join up and share their next actions, 640 organizations have committed to being allies with the campaign, and over 15,000 views of the video on YouTube. That’s encouraging, and you can help to grow this movement to a ‘critical mass’.
Follow Four Years on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, subscribe to their YouTube channel, and invite all your friends to join up and share the journey with you!