The Many Benefits of Telecommuting
More and more green businesses are encouraging telecommuting and there are a great many reasons why. Telecommuting not only saves the earth by decreasing transportation-based greenhouse gases, but also provides employees a peaceful place to complete key projects without interruption. Productivity increases of up to 40 percent have been reported through telework programs.
Not only does telework reduce transportation-based emissions, it also reduces total energy consumption at the work place. Smaller businesses can inhabit smaller premises by rotating telework days amongst employees.
Employees tend to be happier under telecommuting conditions and are better able to achieve a work/family balance.
Telecommuting does not work for all employees, some jobs are critical and must be performed on site. Also, some employees are not responsible enough to work independently.
For the most part, there are many jobs that can take advantage of a telework program and help save the environment in the process.