Browsing the "News and Events" Category

Obomney: Obama v Romney on Environment & Energy

September 10th, 2012 | by The Green Divas

Oh boy. Whether you are rooting for the guy who got Clint Eastwood to babble to an empty chair (Mitt Romney), or the guy who is tap dancing as fast as he can in the White House to the “be patient. hope is on the way” song (President Barack Obama), you know this is a critical crossroad in our country’s history.

Radioactive Tuna Found Off the California Coast

May 31st, 2012 | by Lynn Fang

Traveling across the vast Pacific Ocean, Bluefin tuna were found contaminated with radiation originating from the Fukushima nuclear. The devastating accident occurred March 10, 2011. The contaminated tuna highlight the inconvenient truth of broad environmental impacts presenting and yet to reveal themselves. This evidence proves a catastrophic event in one part of the world indeed affects the rest of the planet. Learn more about the radioactive tuna found off the coast of California

Why Environmentalists Care About the Komen Controversy

February 16th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

For years eco-minded philanthropists have been researching Komen's products and giving them poor scores on the green front. With some donators wondering where to spend their cancer-fighting donation dollars, it's important to know where your money really goes and which products have potential cancer links. Here's a few reasons why environmentalists care about the Komen controversy

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