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Published on October 14th, 2007 | by Stephanie Evans


Herbal Tea Remedies: An Enjoyable Way to Stay Healthy

A great cup of tea is one of the small comforts that can help us slow down in a fast paced world, and many herbal teas have been used as inexpensive remedies for years.  Let’s sample some:

    Chamomile tea is great for insomnia and nervous conditions, and it tastes great, too!
    Sassafras tea was often used as a spring tonic to thin the blood and to stimulate sluggish circulation.
    Ginger tea is a great stomachache remedy and can be used to bring on delayed menses.
    Green tea has become widely popular and has been shown to have some benefits in weight loss as well as overall health.
    Drinking rosemary tea is said to improve the memory and enhance mental abilities.

Tea contains health-giving antioxidants that can help reverse the ravages of aging and exposure to our harsh, daily environment.  Drinking a cup of tea also helps promote green living by helping us to slow down and smell the roses!

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