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Published on October 27th, 2016 | by Guest Contributor


CREDO Mobile: The Power of a Progressive Phone Company

Green Living Ideas and Important Media, our parent company, have partnered with CREDO mobile to help promote America’s only progressive phone company. You can sign up today and start using your monthly phone bill to pay for good!




This company stands for all the progressive causes that totally align with our values here at our media company. Not only are we members ourselves (our Publisher and Accounts manager are both members, and have been for years), we totally support their work and have partnered with as our Green Living Affiliate to promote some of their campaigns and partners over the past few months.

Here is a sampling of some of the campaigns we’ve helped promote:

CREDO is an independent company (that uses the Sprint network for connectivity) and donates member funds each month for an array of progressive causes. Money comes from member donations from both phone and credit customers. But how much money can a phone company really give away?

Turns out, A LOT! In 2015, CREDO was able to donate $2.4 million dollars to progressive causes across the spectrum: Black Lives Matter, Mother Jones Investigative Fund, Medical Students for Choice, 350.org, ACLU, Doctors without Borders, and dozens more. You can see the full list of organizations and funds donated in their 2015 donations report.

Their list of accomplishments from the CREDO Action Network is equally impressive, encouraging members and the rest of the world to stand for good causes as diverse as the Keystone XL Pipeline, the plight of the bees, and better pay for fast food workers. Millions of signatures on their petitions throughout the year help support grassroots action.


These numbers are from 2015, but there is no doubt that the numbers from 2016 are going to be equally– if not more– impressive. We are so excited to partner with this incredible company, and encourage our readers to learn more about the company and how you can vote with your dollars each time you text or call!

This article has been created for our partnership with CREDO. If you click the banner below and become a CREDO member, Green Living Ideas makes a small affiliate fee.


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is many, many people. We publish a number of guest posts from experts in a large variety of fields. This is our contributor account for those special people. :D

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